Thursday, January 27, 2011

A New Baby!!

Yesterday, January 26, 2011, a new baby was welcomed into our family. Little J.T. was born yesterday morning and is now the 14th cousin in the family! Congrats to his family and especially to his big sister!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Less Than 200 Days

The Elder Five Cousins at a BPAC Meeting
K, Jeff D, E, N and A
We are officially less than 200 days away from the Ocean City Baby Parade. 198 days to be exact. We have a pretty solid theme picked out, however, we don't want to reveal too much too soon. 7 Babies (perhaps 9) are going to be in this parade. As for right now we are anxiously awaiting the birth of a 14th cousin!!!!!! This will be the 9th under the age of four!!!!

We had a meeting in January and although a few key BPAC members were not present, we shared some ideas and furthered our plans for our yet to be announced theme!
Keep On Parading!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The BPAC offices will be closed tomorrow Wednesday January 12, 2011 due to weather. Please continue to check for updates and event postponement.

The BPAC team

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

News! News! News!

How do we get 7 babies on one float??
Yes. 7 Babies! That is the new number. But the questions remain: How do we keep 7 babies on one float? Do we need more than one float? What is our theme? What comical role will JV play? Which baby will fall asleep this year? and what will Jeff D do next?

Its gone from 1 baby to three to now SEVEN! Can you believe it. We welcome A, L, and Little J to the BPAC family!

Were working and thinking hard to figure out our next theme for Baby Parade 2011! Its gotta be big
because we have a big crew this year!

Keep on Parading
xoxo k&n

Monday, January 3, 2011

Birthday Wishes!

M & JV
Happy Birthday to M!!!! M is one of the heads of BPAC and the mother of one of our amazing babies in the parade! Happy Birthday!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

        The boardwalk was empty over New Years but just wait until August 11, 2011!!!!

The year is finally upon us 2011!!!!! K & N rang in the new year at the official home of the baby parade Joasis. New Years Day was spent with the entire baby parade team. All the cousins, aunts, and uncles were gathered together for a family party. Some of the baby participants practiced their waves and smiles to much avail. Only 220 days until the Baby Parade and all this training will pay off.

Thanks and have a safe and happy New Year!
Go BPAC!!!!!