Thursday, December 29, 2011

Remembering Baby Parade 2011

 So... We' ve been a little lagging when it comes to posting the results of the Ocean City Baby Parade 2011. Well loyal readers, we came in third in the small float division. It was a fantastic day of babies, bonding, and beach. As you can see from the picture above, the kids had a great time being pulled by the chief Jeff Dever. The float was very cute.
 Here is a full on frontal shot of the official float. It was a lot of hard work but it paid off.
 The back of the float heading down the boardwalk. Sooooooooooooooo cute!
                                 The double stroller that held our younger participants.
                            The wagon that contained our medium sized participants.
Allison's Perspective on Baby Parade 2011
We woke up early and started loading the floats on the trucks to go to the boardwalk straight away. After everyone arrived we had a long wait. Entertaining the kids was fun and it was really hot outside. We played ring around the rosy and one of our younger members got hurt and I told them they were fine and to get up. Everything was good on the parade and no one cried. I was pushing the double stroller and our younger participants slept the whole time. It was the fourth year that we have done this and they still got our names wrong!!! We won a dish and that was pretty exciting. Once everything was over we had an awesome picnic and yep.

Elizabeth's Perspektive on Baby Parade 2011
Here is goes... um. The nights of praying and the long day of heat paid off when watching the kids receive their little trophies. Here is goes from the beginning. We woke up at 7 am (pretty early) and we started loading Uncle Greg's truck with our float, wagon, and stroller. Jeff and Natalie went off in UG's truck early in the morning (bright sunshine) to be sure our float arrived safely. When we all got to the convention center we had a tailgate with our babies and our float and I made some new friends with the judges. I think they liked me and I told them about our handcrafted float and how we are all related. Finally the time came to march up the boardwalk. My music teacher saw me dressed up as an m&m. That was awkward. Anyways back to the story... Everything went well. No babies cried and we came in third place. The fudge off the night before was nice. I think we would have lost without my prayers. Afterwards we took a nice walk past Jeff's land to the playground to have a picnic celebrating a learning experience and this year we will set off again and come in first place because I will pray more. The End. 

Katrina's Perspective on Baby Parade 2011
Words can not possibly describe the excitement, and joy of Baby Parade 2011. It was a lot of hard work but it was all worth it seeing those adorable babies being paraded down the boardwalk. While I think we deserved a higher placed finish, because our float was all home made, it gave us some serious ideas for next year. The babies were so excited to be in this parade and their constant chorus of "We love M&Ms" and "We're cute enough to eat" made the crowd swoon. We were def fan favorites. It did stink however that the announcer once again said the babies' names wrong. We called twice and gave pronunciation keys but they still got it wrong. I love the baby parade and I can't wait for 2012 and the excitement it will bring. We will win first in 2012!!!!!

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