Sunday, April 8, 2012

4 Months and 1 Day Away- Easter Meeting-

Hello loyal readers!
This is N, A, and E reporting live from our meeting about BPAC 2012. We are discussing theme and have a few ideas but nothing concrete! Today Jefff Dever and K are working and are unable to be with us. E began our meeting with a blessing for the BPAC group for 2012. This year we will have only 4 babies (4 boys)! We are excited to get started with this years planning. Baby Parade is August 9 2012 and it will be a day to remember for all. (We will get the cup this year!) So blog followers....any ideas that you would like our creative team to bring to life on a float? Let us know. We will keep you posted on our meetings to come (and hopefully a theme soon :)
Keep on Parading!
N, A, and E

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